Tuesday, 16 September 2008
1st week = complete
All's well so far, plenty of interesting lectures and talks in the hospital, as well as the ones that make you wish you'd stayed in bed for that extra couple of hours! The early starts are a mixed blessing too; they ensure the day doesn't deteriorate into a slumberous waste, but by friday I found myself flagging a couple of times and was shattered after playing football. I revitalised that evening with a shower and had a brilliant night out, so burning the candle at both ends is the current (short-term) goal!
More shall be written later, but for now that's my lot :)
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Mad rush
If I wasn't absolutely shattered from the early start I had and gym session, I would probably be mildly bricking it... However, I've had a lovely relaxing shower, sorted out all my documents and stuff I need for hospital, and am about to hit the sack. *YAWN*
Boy I'll sleep well tonight - fingers crossed everything runs smoothly in the morning (as that is the period most ripe for mucking something up!)
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
"How hard is it to decide to be in a good mood,
And then just be.. in.. a good mood?"
It reminded me of my post from earlier on today about how the weather appears to affect me, especially in the mornings. When I was younger, home life was quite tough for a number of years - my parents divorced and the subsequent ups and downs were hard to deal with as a child. Now that I’m older (and wiser?) I can look back on those times more objectively with less of the emotional baggage associated with the memories. If I had the chance, I don’t think there’s much I’d change. Over the years, I think it is these events that have helped shape my personality into what it is now and fuelled my independence and determination. Sometimes personal relationships or difficulties with work can cause me to get down. The boy I used to be locked himself away and wallowed in self-pity, but now I’ve learnt to face up to problems with a positive attitude and remind myself how lucky I am.
In the future I know there will be periods in my life where it will be very hard to decide to be in a good mood. However, I have come to the realisation that most of the time, my mental state and frame of mind is under my control; glass a fraction filled and all that business…
P.S. The line in the song is taken from the character Lloyd Dobler from the film “Say Anything”
Grey, grey, go AWAY!
A blogless week has passed, not for any reason in particular, maybe just a mild attack of writer’s block?! The holidays are drawing to a close and today the sky outside my bedroom window is suitably grim – August my arse… On the one hand I’m champing at the bit to start a brand new year of medicine, one step closer to success, but on the other hand it means the days become shorter, the nights longer and cursed rain. I really think at times I suffer from some sort of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). If I was like
It’s not all bad though,
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
The wagon is creaking into gear
Today I logged on to the medical school intranet, where notices, timetables, PBL cases and plenty of other useful things our accessible. I’ve been doing this regularly hoping to find some new info about 3rd year and partly just force of habit. After weeks of nothing much there are updates!
The next year’s worth of PBL cases have been uploaded, all TWENTY FIVE of them… Wow, I’m still unsure how exactly they will integrate the cases into the hospital setting and if I will end up spending as much time having to read books and make notes as I have the past two years. However, a cursory glance over a few scenarios shows that there are a few innovations in the style. Apparently there is more emphasis on test results, management etc. and also some accompanying material such as GP and hospital letters. The sheer volume of cases is a bit disconcerting, but I’m hoping that they’ll be thought-provoking and the hospital work will be relevant. I doubt I’ll read over any of the cases until I know which module I’ll be starting. That’s the next thing I’m waiting for: timetable please! I would love to find out that I have a couple of late starts per week and a few early finishes, but I suppose that’s wishful thinking.
Another link that caught my eye took me to a mind-numbingly long word document outlining everything I could hope to know about the organization of the student-selected components, of which I will be undertaking two, in each of the next two years. Lots of guff in there, although plenty of useful information regarding marking criteria and the skills they want to be displayed. Unfortunately I can see the potential for these modules to take on an element of hoop-jumping, ensuring you tick all the right boxes for your tutor without necessarily learning a great deal. Fingers crossed that there will be an ample number of ‘kind’ topics when the time comes to choose (as yet they haven’t provided any details about individual titles, only that they will be hospital or community-based).
It’s good to know things are starting to gather pace.
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Time waits for no one
Now that it is a matter of weeks, rather than months, to recommencing medicine, I am scared! Exactly what will I have achieved over the three months of my summer holiday? No doubt a few million brain cells have bitten the dust due to my preponderance for alcohol consumption and combined with the shocking rate at which medical knowledge has leaked/is leaking from my head, I think I will be half the student that left way back in May! Literally my only exposure to health-related matters has been via other people’s blogs and I don’t think learning medicine vicariously through the tales of others is going to help me pass my exams. In short, I’m cacking myself… The prospect of being grilled by a consultant on any subject whatsoever is enough to make a bead of sweat spring from my brow. At least I don’t think I’ve forgotten how to speak, so I should be able to talk to patients if all else fails. I really hope all my colleagues are in a similarly clueless boat.
Phwoar! That is what the Olympics is all about… Seeing Usain Bolt make history in the 100 metres final gave me goose bumps all over. I was hoping for a fantastic contest, expecting a Bolt win, preferably with Powell a close second. In reality I witnessed an incredible demonstration of power, speed and flamboyance all rolled into the 6 ft 5 inch frame of Usain Bolt. He has strutted and strolled his way through the Games thus far, winning races at a canter and I suppose if you know you’re so much better than your nearest rivals then you can afford to be a little cocky. Part of me wished he hadn’t started celebrating 10-15 metes from the line and carried on pushing just to see what this superhuman Jamaican is capable of – however, it is the showboating that makes Bolt such an entertainer. The excitement generated will reel in a whole new audience and inspire others to try and emulate him, while hopefully doubling as a catalyst to help improve the damaged image of athletics over recent years.
A fine day for
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Ever get the feeling you’re being taken advantage of? Because I’ve had that twice today and it’s playing on my mind as I sit here watching ‘Get Shorty’.
The letting agency are continuing to bend us over and ravage us vigorously from behind, while we pay handsomely for the privilege. A flatmate is back up there for a couple of days and gave me a call this afternoon. The kitchen floor is warped and bubbling, the downstairs bathroom ceiling is bowed worse than ever and the whole place apparently smells of damp! We have called numerous times about the problem; supposedly someone came round to have a look, but still no action. My flatmate called again today, only to be informed that the builders are busy until next week, even though they would be visiting the place next-door tomorrow. Why can’t they check our place too?! The landlord, the people in the office and the builders seem to have no bloody idea what each other is doing and are aware we’re just lowly students. What the hell are we paying them for! I just wish I knew what exactly I could threaten them with to spur them into action…
Second is that the mechanics servicing, MOT-ing and fixing my car, have deemed it necessary to keep it incarcerated for another 24 hours. I booked it in at
It makes me angry that I’m probably being swindled by all these money-grabbing bastards and I don’t know of any way to avoid it (unless I decided to leave my car unserviced, uninsured and used it to double up as my university accommodation). John Travolta wouldn’t have these problems!
The garage called mid-afternoon to let me know the car was ready at last. I arrive about an hour later, only to be told that someone had cocked up and not done the MOT!!! Amateurish in the extreme. So while they completed it I had to wait a further hour with nothing to do until it was all checked out. Fabulous!
Total car service work ended up being £800-odds :@
Monday, 11 August 2008

Having left school and the mandatory physical assessments behind, I still love to play football, tennis, squash and golf. Maybe it’s a bit sad feeling the need to prove myself and take things more seriously than some others, but I think those same traits are the ones that have got me into medical school. It would have been far easier to coast through A-levels and get into a less demanding, middle-of-the-road degree course. Instead I chose the (widely regarded as harder) scientific subjects, put myself through the UCAS agony and finally obtained a conditional offer after three prior rejections. However, I enjoy being stretched and challenging myself. Stimulating my mind through learning is just as important as stimulating my body through sport – hopefully I’ll be able to maintain both as I continue in my studies and future career.
In terms of watching sport, this summer has left me spoilt for choice! The European football championships (strangely more satisfying without having to worry about when England’s inevitable exit would come) were fantastic, Lewis Hamilton’s exploits on the racetrack, a truly memorable Wimbledon Men’s final, watching Padraig Harrington retain his Open title before being the first European to clinch the USPGA in 78 years were all highlights. Now the Olympics in underway and the competitive spirit within me has awoken. For me the crowning glory is the athletics, in particular the men’s 100 metres. What an achievement to be the fastest person on the planet - the sheer explosion of power gets me every time. Rowing, swimming, cycling and gymnastics are also great entertainment. On the other hand, I resent the inclusion of sports whose most prestigious titles lie away from the Olympics. For example, today in the tennis, Andy Murray was clearly not interested, some other big names have stayed away and it’s perfectly logical considering the final grand slam event on the calendar is only a fortnight away! These sports don’t have a place in the Games as far as I’m concerned. An Olympic gold medal should be the pinnacle of an athlete or sportsman/woman’s career, but in several disciplines this just isn’t the case and the Olympics is poorer for it.
Swings and roundabouts
She was in
Sobriety was a fair distance away and again I’m missing about 30 minutes of memory, presumably as I stumbled about uneventfully. Then my recollection returns and with it a feeling of joy as I recognised somewhere at last. I made my way confidently towards home as dawn threatened to break - nevertheless I was rather weary and upon seeing a bus I flagged it down. As it slowed I got out my wallet. Bugger! No ticket! No money! I’d lost my travel card on my journey and spent all my money on the £4 bottles of beer in the club. Thinking fast, I thought it best to flash my driving license at the bus driver as I hurriedly walked past – but it predictably failed and he called me back. I pled my case, but it was in vain. As I departed I asked if he would kindly tell me the quickest route to the place I live. He then proceeded to get slightly irate, accusing me of wasting his time (fair enough) but I pressed for an answer. He pointed behind him. What?! In fact the place I thought I recognised, wasn’t what I thought it was and the previous half hour had been spent walking in the wrong direction altogether. If the bus driver wasn’t paying attention (as they rarely do) I would have been on a one way trip back to central
As I retraced my steps, the sky lightened and my pace slowed. It was just after 5am, according to the timestamp of the text messages I was sending (informing mates of where I went), and I had managed to get back on track. Over the next hour I saw various shop keepers going about their business, road sweeps clearing up the mess of the night’s excess and odd looking folk, who appeared to have no reason to be up and about at such an hour – I suppose the same accusation could have been levelled at me. Eventually I rolled in the door at about
Over the past couple of years, both at home and university, there have been times when I’ve been recklessly drunk, miles from home having deserted my friends. Yet something from deep within, basic and instinctive kicks in. Like a primitive sat-nav system, my autopilot guides me home and keeps me out of trouble. Getting pissed is neither big nor clever, but the human mind’s self-preservation ability is fantastic.
Thursday, 7 August 2008

I hate them, I hate them, I HATE THEM!
Right, now I’ve got that out of my system, allow me to try and explain. Within the first few weeks of entering medical school, we were introduced to a rather innocuous blue folder. ‘Ooh what’s this little bundle of fun then?’ Well I’m still not really sure…
Everyone has one of these blue folders, called a portfolio, and it’s divided into a number of sections such as ‘Relationships with colleagues’, ‘Good medical practice’ and ‘Probity’. The general idea, so we are told, is to keep a log of our personal and professional development throughout the course and obtain evidence and write reflective pieces to show that we are progressing. In theory it’s commendable, of course we should all reflect on notable experiences and think about our strengths and weaknesses – but it has degenerated into an exercise in jumping through hoops and ticking boxes! At the end of both academic years we have our portfolios checked and assessed to ensure we are following the guidelines and to give an opportunity to raise any questions. Most people I know spent the week before their review frantically finding things to pad it out, trying to remember patient encounters from months earlier and knocking up wishy washy SWOT analyses and Phase Two goals… Clearly not what the medical school Portfolio coordinators had in mind.
However, the vast majority of these folk blagged the interview and passed - the system is believed to be sound. Do I think keeping a portfolio is necessary in the first 2 years of medical school? Perhaps. Do I think it achieves what it sets out to i.e. improving us as individuals by making us reflect, keep records and fill in endless forms? No. What I think it comes down to is the infamous “white box” questions on the Foundation Year application forms, reducing much of our 5 years of hard graft into a bullshitting contest! If you have a well kept portfolio, with plenty of exaggerated tales of moments you showed leadership or teamwork or reflective qualities, then you’re sorted. If you focused more on actually studying, learning and practising clinical skills, but neglected your portfolio and creative writing proficiency, then screw you. I just happen to think that jobs should be allocated on a far more objective basis, through our written and practical examinations – communication skills are already assessed in OSCEs and creative writing skills should be kept out of the process altogether.
Wednesday, 6 August 2008

I don’t quite know why I’m writing this. Perhaps due to me envisaging a fair amount of sandwich consumption this coming year, what with it being unlikely I’ll have the time to pop home at lunchtime as I would often do from the medical school. At hospital it’s going to be a choice of canteen food, packed lunch or starvation. Options one and three don’t appeal, which leaves me to prepare my own culinary delights to bring in and what could be easier than a few bits of bread and filling?! Sorted…
(I guess this means the cling film budget will have to be revised)
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Amusing myself
I’ve had an enjoyable week partaking in a number of my favourite pastimes. I suppose I’m not too unusual in that I’m a 20-year-old boy/man (the distinction is a hard one to make, mentally at least) who likes to play sport and spend time with my friends. Having not been able to play any regular football in the past couple of months since uni, it was great to play three times in the last five days and a fourth in the offing tonight. Suffice to say my fitness is in need of some honing if I’m to be raring to go for next season’s exploits in the division above – a potential source of bloggery I’m sure. As well as a return to the pitch, I had a great night out in
Upon leaving
Security: “Excuse me; can you please step out of the queue?” [Very polite I must say]
Me: “Oh sorry, I just had to make a quick call.”
Security: “Why didn’t you just do it in the line?”
Me: “No reception.”
My friends: “Yeah he was just gone a minute, too loud here as well.”
Security: “Hmm… OK, but stay in line in the future!”
Fantastic, my alcohol-addled brain was still a match for the powers that be. All in all, he was the most reasonable and understanding bouncer/security guy I think I’ve ever met. Usually their meathead mentality precludes them from any form of adult conversation at all – the ironic thing was that this time I really did deserve to be chucked out… That was a good omen for the remainder of the night. I spent very little money, despite the extortionate prices, we all had a good laugh and a dance, and I pulled and got the number of a rather cute girl. Moreover, I didn’t have a hangover the next morning and I’ve ascertained that the girl also happens to be pretty, funny and entertaining while entirely sober! *bonus*
Before I dash off, I also want to say that the blog, Bête de Jour, is fantastic!
Sunday, 3 August 2008
What does the future hold?
Officially just one month until uni restarts! It’s strange to think that I’m not going back to the usual combination of lectures, PBL, dissection and physiology. Instead I’ll be seeing patients on the wards and experiencing life in a rather large teaching hospital, which will be my academic home for the next three years. Details appear to be a bit thin on the ground, but my first unit will be Heart, Lungs and Blood (HLB) or Nutrition, Metabolism and Excretion (NME). How this will translate into teaching I don’t know – however, from preclinical work I preferred the cases that focused on HLB over NME. There was just something I found intrinsically more absorbing with the workings of the cardiovascular system, whereas the GI tract and metabolism left me bored to tears (perhaps because it was in the last semester before 3rd year and I had had my fill of bioscience and PBL).
As for PBL (Problem Based Learning), there are mixed opinions on using it as a method to teach. I don’t know how it will translate into the clinical part of the course, but my experiences of it from the past two years have been generally pretty good. Maybe I’ve been lucky, for example I haven’t really suffered from having groups with a dozen people who would all rather sit in dead silence until somebody has the guts to offer up some information. Often the majority of the group was involved in the discussions despite the inevitable quieter/lazier members. PBL is also great to talk about difficult concepts, especially in the ‘Mind and Movement’ module. It was useful as a way for the students struggling to have things explained to them, while also allowing the person explaining to test their own understanding. Obviously not all sessions were productive, particularly if you have to rock up at 9am having been out ‘til 4am after a couple of drunken hours of sleep – even worse if most of the others were out with you and feel equally shit! My major criticism was the variability in tutors – who have been branded facilitators. Quite what their job description is remains a mystery to me. Apparently it is to guide us if we go off track and ensure we reach broadly relevant learning objectives. My own theory is that they are glorified prison wardens, keeping us incarcerated for the allotted 90 minutes, while providing bugger all in the way of help! Most facilitators aren’t clinicians and for three out of the four that I had, it was their first time, meaning the blind were leading the blind. Nonetheless I managed to pass all my exams at the first sitting showing that engaging with the system, coupled with self-motivation, and aided with a smattering of associated lectures and practicals, is definitely a technique that suited me.
The modest insight I have as to what I’ll be doing over the next year has mainly been provided by older guys I know from the medics’ football team I play in. Earlier this year, on the way back from Dublin where the National Association of Medical Schools (NAMS) football tournament was being held, a 4th year told us some of the things he’d got up to within a couple of months of beginning clinical years. Interesting stuff generally, that was until he slipped in that he performed a digital rectal exam. Where unfortunately ‘digital’ refers to fingers and not a type of watch display. Not only that, the patient got a little - how can I say - excited...
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Med school nightmares
I’m not someone to have nightmares in my sleep… That was true until this past week, when two afflicted me in quick succession – both featuring me getting kicked out of medical school!!!
The most recent was for a rather boring reason, merely failing an exam (although I was particularly angry for not having any resit opportunity). It was the first instance which was slightly more confusing and all the more relieving when I finally woke up to realise how stupid I had been. So what was the cause of me being turfed out? Perhaps getting into a fight or misbehaving in hospital, maybe recreational drug use? Nothing of the sort, in fact I was expelled due to committing a foul in a game of 5-a-side football with my friends… It wasn’t even a slide-tackle!
Dreams are strange – nearly a week on and I can still remember the events and emotions I experienced in my head that night. For that matter I can recall many other dreams from throughout my life, the majority of which were a tad more pleasurable! If only we could record them on DVDs, now that would be something special.
Monday, 28 July 2008
Anatomy has to be seen to be believed

The first couple of years of medical school have passed by surprisingly quickly and without any major hitches. Exams have been passed and I love pretty much everything about student life other than the shit we’ve had to put up with from the agency we’re renting our house from. The kitchen is sinking into the downstairs bathroom, my room must be contravening human rights it’s so small and the living room is a cockroach’s wet dream. Understandably I’m making the most of the home comforts while I can. There are so many memories that will stick with me long after uni is finished, likewise friends – however on the academic side of things, nothing stands out more than the anatomy sessions.
I’m lucky to go to a med school which still uses human cadaveric dissection to help teach anatomy. The first time we went into the dissection lab was strangely unsettling, knowing each of the metal tables had a dead body on them (covered with blue sheets) was freaky, but also excited my curiosity! It took until second year though, before I was really shocked… We were focusing on the head and had looked at various skulls and prosections of the brain in several planes. The time had come where we had to get down and dirty with our own body. Now for the uninitiated, the process of exposing the human brain is a wee bit traumatising – certainly not a tidy, clinical procedure:
- Use scalpel to cut through scalp all the way around the head, to the bone
- Slip fingers under scalp and tear it away from the skull (a harder task than the first volunteer anticipated)
- Cut all the way through skull, continuing around until calvarium is separated from the rest of the skull using a CIRCULAR SAW
- Slice through the dural reflections holding the calvarium to the brain
- Voila, a scene straight out of Silence of the Lambs
All in all quite a brutal session, especially as I was one of the ‘fortunate’ ones to wield the circular saw. The noise was something else… Subsequent sessions involved chiselling through the back of the orbit to remove the eye-socket (complete with eye) and removing most of the skin from the face in order to reveal the underlying muscles and neurovascular structures. Fascinating, awesome and nauseating in equal measures!
The wonders of the human body will never cease to amaze me.
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Good times
Fortunately the good people at my base hospital have confirmed my current documents are sufficient for me to begin in September! So I'm spared the hardship of the arse-numbing car trip and the hassle of injections and blood tests :)
And in other more exciting news, I’m going to see the new Batman movie tomorrow night. Having only seen ‘Batman Begins’ earlier this week, my appetite has been whetted and I’m looking forward to seeing Christian Bale in action. In my opinion he is a quality actor, particularly in the commitment he showed for ‘The Machinist’, losing over four stones of body weight for the role – subsequently to put on another seven stones within six months for Batman. As Patrick Bateman he was horrifically thrilling in ‘American Psycho’ and hopefully these minor assault allegations surrounding him at the moment will be forgotten soon enough!
On a sadder note though, it a shame the lovely Katie Holmes won’t be returning to the sequel – she is unfortunately far too busy being the wife of a madman.
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Occy Health
Grrr… If there’s one thing I hate, it’s sorting stuff out. It could be tidying my room, preparing revision materials or being in charge of organising a night out. Currently my problem is trying to determine what my health check requirements are for entering clinical years at my base hospital. As with the majority of medical schools, there were strict health requirements to fulfil to take up my place on the course, such as a vaccination history, hepatitis immunisation and blood tests. At the start of first year I had my appointment with Occupational Health, got the all-clear and the relevant documentation.
Nearly 2 years later, emails and notices from the med school have been doing the rounds, saying some students still haven’t had the necessary checks and that up to date health checks must be organised before the start of the academic year. Accompanying one mail is the worrying line that a number of people missed up to 5 weeks of the start of term last year, through not having the proper certificates. As far as I could tell though, nowhere was it made apparent if the original clearance from 2006 was sufficient. I emailed the person who had been sending the notices at the medical school and received a prompt reply, telling me I indeed needed to book another appointment!
ARGH! What an arse! It’s a bloody 4-5 hour drive each way to my university, added to which the extortionate petrol costs would mean the trip wouldn’t be cheap either.
Anyway, I called up Occupational Health. What do they say? In fact I don’t need a separate check after all… Hmmm, well now I’m confused - the medical school saying one thing, Occ. Health the opposite. I call the medical school and fortunately get to speak straight away with the person who replied to my email. I explain what Occ. Health told me, and just like that, the representative from the med school states:
“Oh well, I haven’t been in the job long – just go with Occ. Health say.”
This has pissed me off a bit, that the people sending out these emails warning of up to date health checks and threatening missing a large part of my initial clinical training, don’t seem to know what’s going on themselves!!! Nor did they have the good sense to inform me that they were unsure of the answer to my query, but advised me to go ahead and book a (ridiculously inconvenient) appointment anyway. For now I shall go with what Occ. Health told me, meanwhile I have sent an email directly to my base hospital.
Hassle! Grief! Could do without it!
Monday, 21 July 2008
Sleeping patterns!
Without the structure that my strict school timetable provided for me back in the day, my body clock has well and truly given up the ghost. It can’t be healthy to stay in bed until after
University life thus far hasn’t been conducive to early nights and, rarely having more than a couple of
Well if I want to be awake in 7 hours I had better be off to my bed, night all!
Friday, 18 July 2008
No not Soft Cell of ‘Tainted Love’ fame, instead I’m talking about a slightly surreal experience I had earlier today. To temporarily stave off the hypnotic powers of the golf coverage (The Open is on at the moment for those not up to speed) I took a drive into town – not with anything specific in mind, but I do like to people-watch and window-shop! There’s just something intriguing, and sometimes amusing, about seeing different individuals wrapped up in their own little worlds. Anyway, after meandering through the shopping centre for a while, I was snapped out of my own daydreaming:
“Hey, hello… Yeah, you!”
It took me a couple of seconds to register that the words were coming from a girl (about 20) a few metres from some sort of stall/temporary shop. She was quite pretty in a distinctive kind of way, and I approached her.
Me: “Hi.”
Her: “Wow, you have really nice skin – what do you use?”
Me: [slightly surprised] “Er, just a bit of standard moisturiser.”
Her: [now reaching for and holding my hands] “You have a beautiful face.”
Me: [thoroughly embarrassed] “I bet you tell all the boys that.”
Her: [leading me to the stall] “No, you know you look good. Come here and have a look at these…”
Me: [still a bit flustered] “Um… No sorry, I really have to go. I don’t have the time.”
Her: “Don’t worry, come back later.”
And with that I smiled and left. The exchange couldn’t have taken more than a minute or two, but it left me feeling flattered, happy, confused and a bit annoyed. Now I’d like to think that she wasn’t lying as she reeled me in, complimenting my complexion, because it’s great having a cute girl say that. However, I’m not stupid and I bet she had repeated the same spiel to a dozen guys before and a dozen guys after. So in the end maybe I’d have preferred the hard-sell approach, where I’m quite adept at telling overzealous salesmen to politely fuck off!
P.S. I went on to buy a rather nice red T-shirt :)
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Me? Worried? Well maybe a little...
Is it me or is the world bloody mad?! In particular the onus put on kids to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives’ earlier and earlier. When I was 15 years old I nearly shat all over my chances of applying for Medicine straight from school by not realising Chemistry A-level was of paramount importance (a fact that still leaves me slightly confuzzled) even though it was 2 years until I had to go through the UCAS process. However, my school helpfully allowed me to switch and eventually at the tender age of just 17, the wheels were set in motion – I wanted to become a doctor.
I feel quite fortunate that I realised what I wanted to do at a relatively young age as I know plenty of friends that are 2/3rds way through their degrees and still haven’t a clue what they’re going to wander into once they’ve graduated. My point is that it’s difficult to make decisions that could have a bearing on the course of your career and life, without adequate experience. This leads me on to the farce that is Modernising Medical Careers (MMC).
My understanding of the subject is certainly basic and is based on reading messageboards, blogs and articles over the past couple of weeks. It appears that one doesn’t need to be an expert to see that it has delivered a swift kick in the knackers (and knackerettes) to many doctors all over the country. Leaving highly trained individuals without interviews, jobs or any prospects in the NHS beyond dead-end FTSTA posts, is a travesty in itself. Furthermore though, it has created a situation (please educate me if I am wrong) where F2 doctors, barely out of medical school and with limited awareness of many specialties, are having to apply for run-through training posts. These schemes will tie them in for 6 years plus, for branches of medicine/surgery that they have very little working knowledge of! How can this be “modernisation”?! We will surely be left in a position with many perfectly well qualified doctors having to go abroad to further their careers, and a significant proportion of the remainder restricted to specialist training routes that they have little interest in. In a decade or two, if the system is broadly the same, won’t we have a generation of consultants lacking in skill and motivation after being railroaded into specialties they chose due to a shortage of exposure in the years after graduation?
My eyes are beginning to be well and truly opened with regards to the organisation that awaits me…
What, why and where? (In no particular order)
I am currently in
In the end I looked to the internet and decided to search Google - not for anything quite as passé as pornography, but in fact for “medical student blogs”. I admit a degree of embarrassment for this deed; perhaps it was withdrawal symptoms from the medical vacuum I am currently in that drove me. Whatever the cause though, they’re definitely a pleasurable way to waste away a spare half hour (or day when you start reading from the beginning a blog that was started 2 years ago!). This has led me inexorably to where I am now. Namely publishing my first post, of my first blog, EVER! I will endeavour to provide observations, oddities, insights and hopefully entertainment in forthcoming posts. The frequency of such entries will no doubt fluctuate with the ebb and flow of events in my life and whenever I feel the urge to offload (as I do enjoy a good rant/argument/discussion).
A question to the floor: are there any scare stories of bloggers whose identities have been uncovered? The reason I ask is because a theme of the blogs I’ve been reading is the desire to keep anonymity. I understand this totally; however I would like to be aware of any potential “come-back-to-bite-you-in-the-arse” situations that could arise from these loose-mouthed fingers of mine (sorry for the appalling metaphor)!